Marla Danielson
Welcome to the website. I hope you enjoy browsing the recipes and hope you will find some recipes that you enjoy making too. Here's a little about myself; since 2017 I have been teaching plant-based cooking classes at various Seventh-day Adventist churches including Forest Grove, Hillsboro, Long Beach, and Willapa Harbor. How did it all begin? The answer is simple; God laid it upon my heart to share the free health message with those around me. What is the health message? Is it really free? YES! You don't have to pay any money to read for yourselves the story of creation in the Holy Scriptures. God gave Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden the diet best suited for mankind, a plant-based diet. God is also preparing a people who love Him and keep His commandments to live in heaven, where there will be no more death, and no life of a creature will be taken to indulge appetite. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 11 that the calf and the young lion will dwell together and a little child shall lead them. The lion also will eat straw like the ox. Is a plant-based diet still the best diet for us today? YES! The orginal diet given by our Maker is still the best diet today for mankind and has been proven to reduce the risk of serious diseases. Finally, the health message of the Seventh-day Adventist church was given to Ellen G. White in 1863. God showed her the dangers of meat-eating, and gave her much counsel on proper dietary habits through over 2000 visions and dreams during her lifetime. She wrote on a wide variety of subjects, always pointing the reader to the Bible. She faithfully recorded what was shown her especially for those living in the last days of earth's history. I believe health and holiness go together. What we eat affects our mind, it affects our ability to think clearly and discern sacred truths. As we near the coming of Jesus to take His people home, our diet should conform to the laws of health God has implanted in each of us, and we should eat to live, not live to eat, knowing our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit that we should not defile. This is what is on my heart to share with you, the reader. My hope is you will find this website useful as you strive for a healthier diet.​I couldn't do these classes without my helpers who have volunteered to be greeters, set-up and clean-up crew, and more, and friends who have contributed recipes You can read about some of them below. Marla Danielson